Here you can find products of Japanese Animation,, Pop & In Entertainment (HK) & popular Anime in Chinese North America SiteCaptain Tsubasa Road to 02 tells the story of how Tsubasa climbed his way through the ranks, featuring his roots in the town of Nankatsu as well as his epic journey to master the art of soccer Your favourite Also known as Captain Tsubasa, Captain Tsubasa (01), Road to World Cup 02, Road to Dream, キャプテン翼 (01) GenresCaptain Tsubasa Road to 02 Tsubasa Oozora loves everything about soccer the cheer of the crowd, the speed of the ball, the passion of the players, and the excitement that comes from striving to be the best soccer player he can be His goal is to aim for the World Cup, and to do that, he's spent countless hours practicing soccer, ever
Qmanga Captain Tsubasa Road To 02 Chapter 135 Entering Loss